Woman caught grooming publicly- Why?
This is a fairly good example of what the human race should be moving away from in terms of public acceptance of bad decorum. When I watch this video of a woman caught in public grooming, I was filled with feelings of dread , horror, despair and hilarity. I am trying to understand a logical reason that this woman would have to shave her legs like this in a public pool. Then I fade into thoughts about how she has managed consider the idea viable, how to be prepared to do this and then how to orchestrate the plan.
- she had to a get there,
- selects the correct depth of water to accomplish this task in,
- remember to bring a razor and soap
- be brazen in her obliviousness to all others in the public pool
The two IQs bouncing around in this woman’s brain are obviously yet to connect to create a thought. I dunno how she even manages to control her actions given the clear lack of logical though capacity demonstrated here. Imagine just how it would feel to be her children trying to swim in mums leftover foam and hair without drowning under the embarrassment. Only smart kid I can see at this point is the one with the googles. Lol I wonder if he had the inside scoop on this woman caught grooming publicly. Perhaps someone should have mentioned this site on etiquette to madam here.
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