
Ford Ranger Dash Mount Install

Ford Ranger Dash Mount Install

Well, we have gone and done it now – we fitted a Ford Ranger Dash Mount, no regrets! So, the missus has been banging on at me for the longest time to install a fixed mount into our Ford Ranger for the GoPro and Phone.

I guess it is because she really loves me and wants me to have nice things, or it may be to save our relationship I can’t handle much more shaky GoPro footage or getting lost down yet another goat track in the middle of f*^$ nowhere because of her internal GPS needs to be reinstalled.

She’s a bit weird really, not like other guys’ misuses. Most guys I know missus will leave them pics and links laying around for some shiny pieces of metal that they can parade about to the girlfriends, not mine. She will leave items in my amazon cart. There have been times she’s interrupted my YouTube hour when I am deep into another Ronny Dahl episode, and she hacks into the feed and streams, the enlarged image of said items onto the TV screen straight from her computer until she has my attention. Needless to say, a happy wife, a happy life. So, with that in mind let’s get into what I did to install my Ford Ranger Dash Mount.

No Skills Required!

Did a fair bit of research into what seemed to be the best option for the Ford Ranger dash mount setup, and finally settled on a RAM mounting system. Was a small amount of effort to fit my Ford Ranger dash mount, no real skills were required. Was relatively easy to do, with just a few basic tools required.

The basic requirements were that I needed a universal mount for a Samsung phone and a separate mount for the GoPro Hero 9. On the plus side, Ram Mounts had a variety of options, widely available for purchase straight from good old Amazon. Took all of about half an hour to have all the main components loaded into the Amazon cart paid for and on their way.

What we ended up with was:

Just to up the ante on doing this kind of mod to the dashboard, I am not really a tool kinda guy, and to make things worse the missus whose brilliant idea this was, to begin with, in her true form went to Ford and purchased a replacement dash insert for Justin – just in case I muffed the lot up. Thanks, love, for the vote of confidence. Anyway, right in the centre of the dash is a plastic tray insert with a 3” spot for the base plate to fit, making this the perfect spot for my Ford Ranger dash mount kit. Snug as a bug in a rug.  

So, if you are thinking about installing a Ford Ranger Dash Mount setup but want to have a different configuration for something like a phone and Tablet, or a UHF handpiece, never fear RAM Mounts have got it covered. What you dream up they have a solution for it.

Limitations were no skill to speak of. No bolts came with the base plate, needed a trip or two to Bunnings for some bits and pieces. But I think we can all agree that the end result is not bad for a novice.

On a side note, the missus is pretty happy with the new setup. She has already moved me to the next project. Now I need to find a temporary solution to water storage for long haul camping trips. You have probably guessed by now that she always gets what she wants.