G’Day Mate,This guy is a Bloody Legend
G’day Mate, here is a game to try on unsuspecting girls around Australia 🙂 The rules are as follows all you have to do is just ask someone to try and repeat the following ” try to say Good ay Mate and not sound Australian, if you fail then I get a kiss”. Can’t say that I would fall for this but will say that I can see how he gets these girls to agree. You can never refuse the persuasiveness of some snake charmers. Really he should consider offering this a welcome course for young people travelling from other countries who’s second language is not yet defined. So intensive body language techniques at work here.

Now this is just pure genius on this guy’s behalf. Not a chance of saying it and not sounding Aussie. Bloody legendary really! Makes me wonder just how many girls have fallen for his cleverness. I wonder just how many times he has to pitch this idea to girls before a few agreed… They really do try to make the best effort not to say it phonetically. But it is near on impossible task.
If you need a laugh then wrap you eyes around more things like this on TurkeyTv page